BFI NETWORK: More Films for Freedom 2023
More Films for Freedom is a partnership between BFI NETWORK and the British Council that aims to find and fund vital, creative collaborations that explore LGBTQIA+ global human rights, intersectionality or diaspora identity.
The fund was inspired by the #FiveFilmsForFreedom digital campaign, which originated in 2015 as a partnership between BFI Flare: London LGBTQIA+ Film Festival and the British Council and has had 23 million views from over 200 countries and principalities.
We aim to commission up to three new projects that will have at their heart an element of collaboration between UK-based filmmakers and storytellers from both Africa and the Middle East.
What you can apply for
The successful applicants will be awarded a grant of up to £25,000 each to cover the costs of all stages of production, delivery of materials, and team travel.
We can support fiction, documentary and animated film, and films that cut across these generic distinctions. All films should have a strong central idea and storyline which will help them reach a wide range of audiences internationally.
How to apply
You must read the funding guidelines in full before applying online.
If you need help with your application, read about access support available below.
When you can apply
Applications are open now and close on Tuesday 29th August 2023.
If you have any questions about this funding or your application, email
Access support for your application
We can assist you if you have access requirements and need support to make an application. See access support for BFI funding applicants.
Finding collaborators for your projects
Find information on talent development and networking opportunities in your area by connecting with your local BFI NETWORK team.
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