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WFTV FEARLESS Leadership Programme 2024

The purpose of the WFTV Fearless Leadership Programme is to empower women to thrive in senior leadership positions by providing training and coaching in leadership skills, tools and techniques and mindset.

WFTV believe that if they want to enact change, one of the most powerful ways is to make sure women leaders are represented at the highest levels across the screen industries in all roles and empowered with the leadership skills, self-belief and confidence to set and deliver strategy, to make positive impact and maintain their resilience for the long-haul.

This is a bespoke programme of group coaching, 1-2-1 coaching and masterclasses, and is designed to supercharge leadership skills and create an annual cohort of 12 female leaders who will be professional sounding boards and confidants for each other for the rest of their careers.

Who is it for?

You are eligible to apply for this scheme if you have 15 years’ experience plus and are in a leadership position in the film, TV & screen industries.

WFTV is committed to equal opportunities and developing diversity and inclusivity across the industry, so it puts key targets in place to ensure the programme is both diverse and inclusive.

The programme will cover topics such as persuading and influencing, landing key messages, motivating and empowering teams and setting work culture as well as profile-raising and thought leadership.

This programme is a great opportunity for those who are:​

  • Finding leadership is lonely – often leaders have no-one to share experiences with and as a result, stress, worry, self-doubt and lack of courageous leadership kick in.
  • Finding the constant changes in the industry hard to navigate in terms of setting strategy and managing a team. We are living in a brittle, anxious, non-linear and incomprehensible (BANI) world so the old-style command and control leadership doesn’t work well. Modern leaders must be more agile, inclusive, adaptive and resilient to change.
  • Feeling the effects of social conditioning about how a woman leader should behave (e.g., not wanting to be too pushy, too aggressive, too over-bearing) and want the confidence to push back or know how to frame responses.
  • Finding it hard to maintaining resilience and mental / physical health for the long haul.
  • In a leadership role but want to improve your leadership skills and effectiveness.

WFTV would love to hear from you if you are:

  • A woman currently working in a leadership role within linear or multi-platform film, television or digital content creation. For example: Head of Department, a Founder or in a senior role running an indie, a C-suite role or board-member role
  • Have more than 15 years’ experience in the industry
  • Can commit to 6 group days and individual coaching  (over a six month period).

What is involved?

  • 6 X 1 day Leadership Group Coaching with the cohort
  • An individual 360 Leadership Circle Profile to evaluate your current leadership skills and development areas
  • 3 x Individual Leadership Coaching sessions with course leader Tracy Forsyth
  • A professional profile headshot with photographer Gemma Day
  • WFTV speaking opportunities – presenting a panel or giving a webinar.

This scheme requires you to be committed and proactive; you will be selected on what you can bring to the group as well as what you might gain from the course:

  • Every leader is required to give a one-hour webinar or panel on a subject of their choice to the WFTV membership.
  • You must be able to commit to the group coaching days.
  • You must be willing to pay it forward through mentoring in the future

How to apply

If you are considering applying to take part in the Fearless Leadership programme and want to find out more, watch the informational session with Senior Leadership Coach, Tracy Forsyth, where she explained what the programme covers and the crucial information you will need to include in your application, as well as answering questions.

Please complete the application form by Monday 1 July, 17:00. If you’d like to look at the questions before completing the application form, you can view them here.

At WFTV they’re keen to ensure that all their programmes are accessible for everyone. If you have any access requirements, please let them know within the application and they will happily accommodate you. Please contact if you’d like to discuss in more detail.


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