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The DarkRoom Development Lab

Delivered by Trans+ On Screen, through the BFI Creative Challenge Fund, made possible with National Lottery funding. A new lab designed for Trans+ and/or Queer Global Majority writers to develop their feature film genre projects.

Trans+ On Screen are creating a space that’s unique and intimate with the needs of writers at the forefront whilst focusing on supporting ambitious projects.

They are looking for up to 10 writers with film ideas that expand the parameters of the kinds of stories Trans+ and Queer creatives have been able to tell and want to develop quality work that has the ability to travel and find audiences globally.

Taking inspiration from the world class labs at Sundance Film Festival, the centrepiece of the programme will be a six day residency focused on inspiration and peer feedback as writers work together on the development of their projects.

Alongside this we will run a series of online masterclasses to upskill our writers and give them insight into forging their path through the industry. Following a pitching weekender that drills into the art of pitching yourself and your project, the programme will culminate in a pitch showcase at BFI Flare. This will be an opportunity to bring together funders, studios, streamers, agents, sales agents, producers, directors and showcase our writers and their projects to wider industry and connect them with the tangible next steps to getting their project made.

What you will get out if it

  • Financial contributions of up to £5,000 for taking part in the lab (not including additional support offered towards travel and accommodation)
  • A six day residency that will be designed to develop each project in a lab environment, incorporating peer to peer feedback
  • A programme of masterclasses throughout the 6 month programme that will hear from industry experts on the topic of writing and developing your career as well as case studies from filmmakers
  • three day pitching weekender that will be designed to develop your project’s pitch
  • pitching showcase at BFI Flare to platform your project to the wider industry
  • Networking opportunities and the chance to build a solid connection with your fellow cohort of writers
  • Guidance and support from the Trans+ on Screen team throughout the programme


To be eligible to apply to this lab as a writer, you must meet all of the following:

  • Be a Trans+ Writer and/or Queer writer from the Global Majority
  • Be over 18
  • Be based in the UK
  • Be working on a feature script which is your debut, second, or third feature film
  • The script must be a live action fiction genre film

This lab is for genre feature film projects. Your project cannot be any of the following: Drama, Documentary, Animation, Experimental / Artist Film, TV Show. Examples of what you could bring but not limited to: Comedy, Horror, Western, Sci-fi, Thriller, Action, Musical.

They want to be open to writers from all creative disciplines, who may not have had the opportunity to develop work previously. This includes theatre, commercials & music videos, TikTok & Youtube, podcasts, creative writing, anything! As part of the application you will be asked to share previous work as well as writing samples to show your creative track record.

Key Dates

  • Wednesday 26th June Applications open
  • Wednesday 24th July at 5pm Applications close
  • August Assessment takes place
  • Early September we will let you know the outcome

How To Apply

To apply for this lab, you can fill out an application form here no later than the deadline of Wednesday 24th July at 5pm.

The form will ask you about yourself and your project, as well as what you hope to get out of taking part in this Lab.

As part of the application you will be asked to submit various materials related to your project. You will be asked to submit:

  • A treatment/outline of your project, no more than 5 pages.
  • If your script is already at draft stage, they want to read what you feel is the best 10-15 pages of that draft.
  • An optional attachment you can include for your project is any additional materials such as moodboards or visual documents that show the vibe and tone that you’re going for. Also if your idea is based on existing materials (eg a play or novel you have previously written) they would like to see these.

The final attachment is up to three links to previous creative work. If you have not submitted a script extract for your project, you must include a writing sample here. It should be no more than 15 pages and can be a script for a film, TV show, play etc, but does not have to be something that has been made. You can also include additional links to any work that you feel is relevant to showcasing you as a creative. Where necessary, please make sure you credit what your involvement in a project was.

Before you apply, please read the terms and conditions as well as the FAQs. If you have any questions about the lab please contact


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